Tuesday, October 29, 2013

DIY: Patterned-Pocket Shirt

So I’ve been seeing these patterned-pocket shirts all over Pinterest. I love the way they look, but I haven’t been able to find one anywhere for a reasonable price.. So what so I do? Make one, duh!! I decided to make a tutorial while I was at it, so here you go! 

All you need is:
  • a t-shirt (mine happened to already have a pocket on it, but yours doesn’t have to)
  • fabric for the pocket
  • scissors 
  • needle and thread (or a sewing machine, I just think hand sewing is easier for this)

First, measure how big you want your pocket to be and cut it out. Make sure to leave about a half of an inch on all the sides so you can sew on the shirt. 

Iron in the half inch allowances and sew in! I decided it would be easier to sew through the whole shirt instead of using the flaps, but you can do what ever is easier for you.

Here’s the finished product! I think it looks pretty good for being handmade. Another idea, if you don’t want to sew it, just use fabric glue on the flaps and glue it straight onto the shirt. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Now get to work on that shirt and leave me some feedback below!